Friday, April 20, 2012

Tomorrow -

I'm going to get a haircut-and-colour.

In a foreign language.

*le sigh*

Wish me luck.


sharonrobards said...

Have fun.

mccardey said...

As long as she's not a bit of a prankster... I don't trust pranksters in hairdressing salons..

lj said...

les cheveux oranges....?

mccardey said...

Well, I chickened out - but I've made an appointment for both of us, Laura - the minute you arrive :p

lj said...

oh, les cheveux longues.....?

mccardey said...

Well, the thing is - time on reconnaisance is seldom wasted.

The only people I ever see coming out of there are little old white-headed ladies - so I just want to watch for a while and see what they look like as they go *in*...

lj said...

as long as they come out looking 10 years younger, I'm in!

mccardey said...

I did it! And Giles is fanTAStic with the scissors!! :)

You're up next...

lj said...

alors, photos s'il vous plait.....

mccardey said...

Of Giles? Any time!!