Friday, November 2, 2012

On ne cueille pas les champignons

We went out for a quick walk and found all these mushrooms.

But I remembered Bruce's advice and asked Joss whether it would be safe to glean them for adding to omelettes and such.

She gave the matter some suitably French consideration and said probablement pas.

Which I thought was a pity. So I asked (for future reference) how one can tell which ones are edible and which ones are not, and she gave the matter some more suitably French consideration and said:

"Well, really if they're still here at 10:30 a.m., they're probably poisonous."

So there you have it.


sharonrobards said...

I think my father in law would die a day or two in France...Gleaning - he knows what mushrooms not to eat here and eats frangipanies (um you know what I mean, those pretty yellow flowers) on bread and butter... He would need a good guide like your Josh though

mccardey said...

Send him over, Sharon. We'll give him a field guide and see how he does ;)

sharonrobards said...

Apart from a guide you'll also need very big wine cellar :D