Tuesday, November 6, 2012

la recette des grand-meres

We were given a present this week - a piece of dressed boar, straight from the woods (yes, it's hunting season); together with the family recipe that makes it perfect. This is a very old recipe - the Grangeons are the oldest family in the Village - and it's really quite special.

So with many thanks to Joss and especially to Mme Paule Grangeon, we present -

Recette du Civet de Sanglier de Mamette Paule

First: shoot your boar.  (Thank you, Denis and friends - l'équipe des chasseurs des alentours. Paul and I  can't be trusted with guns...)

Second: couper la viande en morceaux

Third: Make your marinade.

2 ognions coupés en morceaux
2 gousses d'ail écrassée

1 bouquet garni (laurier-thyme - the laurier is best from Joss's sister, Edmée)

vinaigre (1 cuillère à soupe- home-made by Paule from the family's own red wine)
huile d'olive (2 cuillère à soupe)
vin rouge avec beaucoup de tanin - Cotes du Rhone, of course - que ça couvre la viande

mariner toute la nuit.

Sortir les morceaux de viande et les faire revenir sur tous les coté dand une poele, mettre la viande de coté.

Faire revenir la garniture dans la poele

Delayer un peu de farine et ajouter le vin petit à petit: la sauce ne doit pas etre épaisse

Puis mettre la viande dans le vin et faire cuire lentement sur le gaz ou au four - à petit feu.

Very lentement.   100 - 150 degrees. For about 7 hours.

There should be a photograph of the finished dish. There isn't, because we ate it the minute it was done. It was delicious, full of the flavour of woods and autumn. And very French.

Note that the recipe will also do for rabbit or hare. But - first catch your hare...

Warmest thanks to the family Grangeon. We will share the recipe (and meals to come) with people we love, when we're back in Australia - and raise a glass to you and to lovely Sablet.


Unknown said...

Ooh, I might need to try to make this. I may not be french, but I love French rustic food! :)

sharonrobards said...

Oh, is there an English version? LOL Trying out your French on us little aussies here is just cruel. xxx

mccardey said...

It's well worth doing, Tim. And Sharon - it's well worth learning French for ;)

lj said...

what was the sanglier wearing....?